About Me

My photo
31deg29'26.87" N. 65deg50'11.93" E., Asia Minor, Azerbaijan
Everything that could possible happen between people happens during photography. It’s cool to see life thru a lens and play out on that stage over and over again. For me photography is a chance to peek in the human condition a little bit and see what makes people human and too see what makes them tick. It could be love, hate, stress, fear or anything for that matter but I have seen it through photography. I love it and I have to see that real burn out. If I saw photography as a job then I would get burnt out. I love to see a different way on how to understand people and even the relationships between people. Seeing so much beauty, emotion and action in photography made me open my eyes. Every day and ever place I walk I see something I can capture with a camera. I am always making notes and creating my own Rolodex of ideas. When I photograph, I document life happening before my eyes. It’s dynamic, fluid, and I must react to what’s happening before me to capture its essence. I love the problem solving and the hunt that comes along with photography.

Wait the willing...

there is a dream out there…waiting for me
one that waits to be fulfilled…just for me
it doesn't matter my age…only time controls
dreams can come true for those willing to wait

i kept my dream close to my heart…never sharing
always being true to my destiny…never wavering
hoping i was on the right track…where my dream would be
dreams can come true for those willing to wait

i have learned most of my lessons…received my reward
still have more to learn…more to go…then maybe
my dream will be reached…but i am a patient one
dreams can come true for those willing to wait

wait my turn…while those ahead of me are fulfilled
i will feel pride for them…knowing how hard they worked
just like me…waiting for their dream to come true
dreams can come true for those willing to wait

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